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VeloxDFS is a decentralized distributed file system based on ChordDHT and HDFS.

This distributed file system serves as the foundation and essential component of the Velox Big Data Framework (VBDF), however, it can be used independently of the other components such as VeloxMR (MapReduce Framework).

Key features of current VeloxDFS implementation includes:


Related projects

Project Description URL
VeloxMR experimental MapReduce engine based on VeloxDFS https://github.com/DICL/VeloxMR
eclipsed deployment/debugging helper script writen in RUBYhttps://github.com/DICL/eclipsed
velox-hadoop VeloxDFS JAVA library for Hadoop https://github.com/DICL/velox-hadoop
velox-deploy-ansible ansible playbook to automatize velox/hadoop installation https://github.com/DICL/velox-deploy-ansible
hadoop-etc Hadoop configuration files to use VeloxDFS https://github.com/vicentebolea/hadoop-etc
velox-report Project to benchmark and log VeloxDFS performance https://github.com/vicentebolea/velox-report


To deploy the system please refer to velox command and its following options:

$ veloxd up|down|restart|status

The command line API has the following options:

$ veloxdfs put|get|cat|ls|rm|format|show

The C++ API can be found at vdfs.hh and DFS.hh files, as for the JAVA API, it can be found at src/java directory.


Compiling requirements

For single user installation for developers

$ mkdir -p local_eclipse/{tmp,sandbox}                 # Create a sandbox directories
$ cd local_eclipse                                     # enter in the directory
$ git clone git@github.com:DICL/VeloxDFS.git           # Clone the project from github
$ cd VeloxDFS
$ sh autogen.sh                                        # Generate configure script 
$ cd ../tmp                                            # Go to building folder
$ sh ../VeloxDFS/configure --prefix=`pwd`/../sandbox # Check requirements and generate the Makefile

# If you get a boost error go the FAQ section of the README

### This last command will be needed whenever you want to recompile the source
$ make [-j#] install                                   # Compile & install add -j flag to speed up

Now edit in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile:

export PATH="/home/*..PATH/To/eclipse/..sandbox/bin":$PATH
export LIBRARY_PATH="/home/*..PATH/To/eclipse/..sandbox/lib"
export C_INCLUDE_PATH="/home/*..PATH/To/eclipse/..sandbox/include"

Default settings for VELOXDFS

"log" : {
  "type" : "LOG_LOCAL6"
  "name" : "ECLIPSE"
  "mask" : "DEBUG"

"cache" : {
  "numbin"      : 100,
  "size"        : 200000,
  "concurrency" : 1

"filesystem" : {
  "block"    : 137438953,
  "buffer"   : 512,
  "replica"  : 1